St Edmund's College seeks to support each young person in achieving growth and liberation through pastoral as well as academic and co-curricular support. We are committed to providing an inclusive education for all students. The College believes that the principles of inclusion are based on the intention to provide an educational environment that promotes the human dignity of each student within a supportive Eddies community.

The Academic Journey

Year 7

Year 7 is a stand-alone introductory year to high school with an emphasis on welcome and belonging. Unique features include:

  • English, Social Science, Mathematics and Science taught 5 lessons each per cycle (8 day cycle).
  • Religious Education, Healthy Living taught 4 lessons each per cycle.
  • The same teacher for English and Social Science for an integrated unit.
  • 8 rotations over 4 Terms to sample specialist subjects across other curriculum areas.
  • Introduction of a Focus Class for sport and extra-curricular involvement.
Year 8 and 9

Year 8 and 9 has an emphasis on students making choices and taking ownership for their learning. Special features include:

  • Students in Year 8 and 9 will choose 2 Elective Subjects per semester (8 in total over 2 years)
  • English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science will be taught over 5 lessons each per 8 day cycle.
  • The same teacher for English and Social Science for an integrated unit in Year 8.
  • Continuation of a Focus Class for sport and extra-curricular involvement.
Year 10

Year 10 is a transition year in preparation for senior studies. It will be defined by:

  • A maximum of 6 subjects per semester.
  • The introduction of Transition Subjects including 3 per semester as preparatory courses for senior studies.
  • English, Mathematics and Transition Subjects will be taught over 6 lessons each per 8 day cycle and Religious Education taught over 4 lessons per cycle.
  • The Rite Journey program taught over 2 lessons per cycle as part of the Rite of Passage ritual for all Year 10 students.
  • 1 lessons of Sport per cycle.
Senior School

Year 11 and 12 has a focus on on unity and leadership. This will feature:

Students choose an Individualised Pathway:

  • An ATAR for students intending to go to University, General and Applied Subjects
  • Work Placement one day per week and periodical block placement
  • 1 day per week at TAFE Certificate Courses across a variety of areas
  • Opportunity to combine General, Applied and Certificate Courses to tailor an Individualised Pathway
  • All subjects are afforded 6 lessons each per 8 day cycle

The Future Pathways Program

Sponsored by The University of Southern Queensland, the Future Pathways Program is a flagship initiative of St Edmund’s, a unique and immersive opportunity for high achieving Year 11 students to gain experiences and insights into what it might be like to work in a professional field of their choosing.  Each year a group of Year 11 students commence their professional learning journey with their mentor, and over three months research their chosen career path.  Students prepare a multi-modal presentation with the help of their mentor, and present in the first round of judging.  The program's culmination with the Awards Night at The University of Southern Queensland where three finalists present live in front of judges, all participants and their mentors.  

Gateway to Industry Schools Program

St Edmund’s College is in the Gateway to Industry Schools Program within the area of Advanced Manufacturing. The Aerospace Gateway to Industry Schools program was established to support the growth and development of an effective workforce for the aviation industry sector. This program provides opportunities for young people to undertake structured workplace learning, school-based apprenticeships and traineeships, full-time employment and further study through industry-school partnerships. The program has proven essential in meeting the Queensland Government’s aim of transitioning young people from school to work while completing school and gaining formal qualifications.

VET Qualifications

Senior Curriculum which includes AQF Certificates.

Further explanation is included in the senior school coursing booklet. These courses are taught by AQF and QCAA accredited teachers, who maintain their vocational currencies by annually undertaking on-the-job work experience to ensure student training meets the prescribed national criteria.

The school offers a range of certificate I and II courses. Each of these courses is credited to the QCE.

View the Vocational Education & Training Student Handbook

St Edmund’s College Pedagogical Framework – Plan Teach Manage

St Edmund’s College staff high impact researched evidence based pedagogical strategies in the development of a whole College Pedagogical Framework. This included the pedagogy which underpins the new ATAR General Syllabuses for Senior School. The St Edmund’s College Framework entitled “Plan Teach Manage”, is tailored to suit St Edmund’s College context and provides a consistency of teaching pedagogy to maximise outcomes for students.

Learning Management System

The St Edmund’s College Learning Management System, aptly named EDE for convenience, provides twenty-four hour electronic access for students and parents to a range of resources. Classroom resources and assessment tasks can be viewed and timely feedback for assessment is a feature the College is currently planning for delivery. College Policies are easily accessed together with Student Report Cards and Co-curricular information.

Parents have the ability to change and update personal details with ease.